Well written. The breakdown of family when I was young, I think is turning a corner. The authoritarian in chief, has no ability to understand what would cure this nation. It is not bullying. It is an ear. An ear to those whom he doesn't care about. Single women, childless women. He took the idea of abortion on demand, as a charge to do miserable things to people. Look how many children born suffer needlessly. As soon as they are born, how much does he care then? Enough to fix social services? A tandem move if he did. He does not.

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IT is mighty interesting I was shown the magistrate, parliament, pontifa te (c) version. I pray this shifts for all who care!

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I was horrified beyond measure to witness the Orange Caligula screaming at a hero like Zelensky. I am not used to Americans being the bad guys. This cannot stand. It's disgusting. It's despicable. And my baby brother is a Trumpie and a Christian, one of those wackadoodle sects. I am hoping to preserve the relationship through this. I might not be able to. We see them seldom, I can't do it. It's not just politics and religion. It's morality here. My sister and I are heartsick.

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I like you just the way you are, Lisa! Which network did you watch? I have the power to change those settings so you can enjoy a more multi-dimensional setting, including personal accountability written reflections after the fact. Your experience matters!

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